What do you wake up to everyday?

It’s been a great time, havent really talked about how it felt winning POL-ITE this year. This year it means alot to me, the team and everyone that belongs to RP RUGBY.

Personally, i felt that it was a tough journey coming into POL-ITE. Lots of things were going on for me and it was tough i have to admit. I felt weak and at one point of time i didnt know what was going on. I was putting up a fake front having to lead with no vision and faith. One point of time i thought we couldnt make it this year and the pressure was intense. Getting me every moment and it is the kind nervous and faithless feeling that you never imagine exist. My life outside of rugby was pretty rough but i had to hang on. Even if i know i wasnt a good leader but i had to pretend i was. Every match was nail biting, even it being my 6th season it was as though as i was playing my first game ever. Not easy. Was sidelined after i pop my shoulder during the first game. I thought this is it, things couldnt get any worse. Injury struck the team bad, players were out just days before POL-ITE. How do you feel when you put on 30 names but only 27 could play? The number went down further. I rmb we had just enough subs for the final game. 22? Im just glad we did it. As a band of brothers. I will rmb this POL-ITE. Definitely one to look back to.

So besides all that, i was pretty blessed with all the favours that came and im glad and thankful about things that are happening to me and giving me an opportunity to look forward to something everyday. Got a coaching stint and looking forward to doing my best and hopefully it builds my resume. One month left for 2013, as much as i can i want to do more. More than i can visualise in my own eye and capacity. I know God puts me in this position for the good. It is just whether i want to put my hand up and say: ‘yes God! use me for your good!’

With all that said and done, all glory goes to God and without him i wont be where i am now. I am grateful that he blessed the team and kept us going to the very last minute.




Planned reminder.

Im just thankful and i can truly feel the joy of singapore being able to have nick vujucic speaking to them on television. I started watching at only the last half an hour. It was already mind blowing.

Heard him speak live before in church. (Very blessed) he is a real warrior and overcomer in life. Speaks of changes and faith. How to look at what we have and not what we want. Ive seen many quotes online but really he is those quotes in person. Cannot explain how impactful his speech can be.

I was abt to sleep, didnt have any idea that he was on tv. So i was lying on my bed, and suddenly i looked up and my mum was watching him speak. Before that mum was watching some boring drama. So i rushed over with the excitement of knowing that he is on tv. First 5 mins i was already blown away. He reminded me of the simple things in life and also my faith in God. He didnt mention much abt religion but he linked his life with his faith. Knowing that he was a christian the message was in a different tone when i heard it. I am very encouraged and energised by what he had to say, for a moment i felt it was as if he was talking to me. He speaks alot on process and step by step. He likes to use the word journey. He mentioned that everytime you fail, its a lesson learned. Pretty cliche, not being disrespectful but life is about cliches. Its that simple. The past few months i have been caught up with so many things and often i feel that i cant do this anymore. Giving up? Yes! Many times i thought abt that. Then today he reminded me that everything is a learning process. Everything i go through is a journey. Doing something is easy. There is 3 parts. Start-process-goal. To start is easy, reaching the goal is of course the happiest thing. It is the process that moulds you. Moulding takes alot out of you. The analogy of moulding a clay is that it loses its shape and no longer has its original shape. So if you are destine to be a pot you will be mould into a pot.

Clay itself is pretty flexible. What can a lump of clay do? Be mould into many things! Thats us! So here comes the moulding part, where we might find it time and time again to achieve the desired shape that we want. A pot has to have a certain shape to store water and thick enough to withstand the heat. So thickness and capacity. So in the midst of moulding we change in characteristic. We expand in capacity and become tougher. Though we might fail first time or second time but each time i fail i know what to look out for the next time round. So this might take a while, sometimes we might even feel like giving up moulding cause it might seem like mission impossible. Hang on. After all that moulding we are finally a pot. So thats all? We serve a greater purpose now. We are the vessel of hot water. There is so much we can do now. Boil water for drinking, cleaning, washing and things like that. It is because of what we did and go through that allows us to serve a greater purpose in life. Clay to pot. Same same but not so different already.

You serve a greater purpose sam. You need to keep on keeping on and stay focus.

Thank you Lord for the reminder. Your timing is always perfect for what i cannot decipher will be guided by you and let my path be lead by your grace and mercy. Through christ i follow and through christ i will be better. Amen!